
Return a list of all current system alerts.

Example (GET): curl -o - 'http://host-ip:8111/api/v1/alerts'

    "id": 1472,
    "severity": 0,
    "message": "Unable to compile global expression \"long_text\"",
    "ts": 1636054374368,
    "options": {
        "detail": "Can't find \"leak_detectors\""
    "level_name": "Error"


Add an alert to the system alert list.

Example: (GET): curl -o - 'http://host-ip:8111/api/v1/alert/add?message=Howdy%21'

Example: (PUT): curl -o - -X PUT -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"message": "Howdy!"}' 'http://host-ip:8111/api/v1/alert/add'

The following are the key/value pairs used:

alert/dismiss/:tag (GET)

Dismiss the alert identified by tag. This allows automatic removal of a message in the case of, for example, a transient error that is correctable automatically and does not require the user's acknowledgement once corrected.

This endpoint is deprecated as of 21308. Please use (HTTP DELETE) alert/:tag.

Example (GET): curl -o - 'http://host-ip:8111/api/v1/alert/dismiss/plugh'

This endpoint always returns JSON { "status": true } (unless something goes horribly wrong); it is not an error to dismiss an alert that does not exist.

alert/:tag (DELETE)

This endpoint, supporting only the HTTP DELETE method, will dismiss the alert with the given tag. It is the replacement for alert/dismiss/:tag (above) as of 21308.

Example (DELETE): curl -o - -X DELETE 'http://host-ip:8111/api/v1/alert/plugh'

This endpoint always returns JSON { "status": true } (unless something goes horribly wrong); it is not an error to delete/dismiss an alert that does not exist.

Updated: 2021-11-4 (21308)